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P.S. 89 Liberty School, NYC

Anchoring the Community Since 1998

PS89 School Survey Update--and CLASS PRIZES!

Posted Date: 3/21/25 (7:56 PM)

Complete your NYC School Survey
Give PS89 valuable feedback while earning your child's class a POPSICLE PARTY!
Did you know that completing your NYC School Survey is the most impactful way to give feedback to PS89 leadership and staff? Your survey responses remain completely anonymous, while you share your opinions on the key ways in which our school serves your child and family.

The survey is MULTIPLE CHOICE and takes an average of 2-5 minutes to complete! The deadline for completing your school survey is Friday, April 4th

Next Wednesday, March 26th, we will announce the class with the highest survey completion rate. They will be awarded a popsicle party to be enjoyed during one of their lunch periods! There will be another prize announced for the class that has the highest completion rate as of Wednesday, April 2nd. STAY TUNED! 

1.  Log into your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). Click on the School Survey link in the banner at the top of the screen, OR click on the button that says “Forms.”
2.  You can also complete your survey by going to the NYC School Survey website. You will need to submit a code which is in your child's school survey envelope. This code is an 'f' following by your child’s 9-digit OSIS #.
3. Lastly, you still have the option to mail in the paper survey that was sent home in backpack mail.