What is a School Leadership Team?
School Leadership Teams (SLTs) are vehicles for developing school-based education policies, and ensuring that resources are aligned to implement those policies. SLTs assist in the evaluation and assessment of a school's educational programs and their effects on student achievement. SLTs play a significant role in creating a structure for school-based decision making, and shaping the path to a collaborative school culture.
New York State Education Law Section 2590-h requires every New York City Public school to have a School Leadership Team. In addition, Chancellor's regulations A-655 establishes guidelines to ensure the formation of effective SLTs in every NYC public school.
PS 89 Mission Statement
The mission of PS 89 is to provide an engaging and nurturing school community dedicated to the development of independent thinkers and lifelong learners. PS 89 emphasizes creativity, exploration, understanding, and communication - especially through its innovative, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary social studies program. To ensure a broad exposure to a liberal arts-based curriculum, all PS 89 students participate in the music, art, dance, science, and physical education programs. The school library and instructional technology further enrich the learning at PS 89. Through high quality, Common Core Learning Standards-based instruction, a nurturing environment, and the development of civic, social, and technological skills necessary to function productively in the world at large, we create a community of active, curious learners.