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P.S. 89 Liberty School, NYC

Anchoring the Community Since 1998

Enrollment K-5

2024 - 2025 1st through 5th Grade Admissions

In-Zone Families

Registration inforamtion for in-zone families for 1st through 5th grade seats is included on this page.  The PS 89 zone is north of Liberty Street, from the west side of West St to the Hudson River.

Below you will find the documentation requirements to register your child. Please send all completed forms and documents together in one email.  In the subject line put REGISTRATION and your child’s first and last name. Email it to our pupil accounting secretary Milli Roman, Note: if your child has ever attended a public school in NYC, please include the nine-digit student ID (or OSIS) number on every document where required.

If you prefer,  the completed forms and documents may be printed and dropped off at the school in an envelope labeled Registration / Child’s Name. The envelope can be left with the School Safety Agent in the front lobby.


Student Registration Form

Housing Questionnaire

Parent-Guardian-Student Ethnic and Race Identification

Home Language Identification Survey

DOH School Health Annual Exam Form  to be completed by a physician in the United States

Information About Immunization Requirements


You must also include:

  • Proof of your child’s age (i.e., child’s birth certificate, passport, or record of baptism)   

  • Your child’s most recent immunization record (currently 5 DTAP, 4 Polio, 2 MMR, 2 Varicella, 3 HEPB, 4 HIB, 4 PCV). Learn more about immunization requirements

  • Two recent proofs of address  list of accepted proofs

  • Your child’s “Turning 5” evaluation/IEP for special education support (if applicable). If your child attended a UPK public NYC Pre-K program and/or had a “Turning 5” evaluation for special education support, they will have been assigned a nine-digit student ID (or "OSIS") number. Please include this number on all pre-registration papers submitted.


Please advise us if:

  • Your child needs English language support through our English as a New Language program.
  • Your child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Send a copy that includes the student ID (OSIS) number on all paperwork.

  • Your child has any allergies or medication needs during the school day.

  • If there is a custody agreement which designates one parent as the descision maker for educational matters, please include a copy of that decree.


Out-of-Zone Families

Families living outside of the PS 89  zone must contact the Family Welcome Center District 2, Manhattan to request placement in a school outside of your assigned zone.


2025 - 2026 1st through 5th Grade Admissions

Registration for in-zone families for available 1st through 5th grade seats for the 2025 - 2026 school year will begin on Monday, June 2, 2025.


Please contact Christina Rossi, the Parent Coordinator, at